Lady Gaga believes in individualism. She has the knack of coming up with new styles that can become fashion trends and look great on her. Lady Gaga sunglasses make a style statement. These shades are noticeable, shocking and large. Very few people will be capable of pulling off this look. Since Lady Gaga believes in shocking people with her personality the glasses she wears are ideal for her.
A very popular pair of Lady Gaga sunglasses is to be seen in the video of “Paparazzi”. They are perfect circles. The lenses are shaded and pop out like the ears of Mickey Mouse. Beneath them is a pair of regular glasses with no lenses whatsoever. Lady gaga wears these glasses in the video after poisoning the drink of a character in order to shock her audiences. She does not usually wear such glasses every day but they form a vital part of her look on the whole. Normally, the Lady Gaga sunglasses to be seen in the media are square and huge. Linear long lines are a signature look when it comes to Lady Gaga sunglasses. She is changing the look of sunglasses in the world of fashion. Not many people would have the guts to wear such kinds of overpowering shades but this is what sets apart Lady Gaga from others. Controversy does not bother her nor does she care about how people view her. She wears what she likes and it seems to work all the time. You will spot Lady Gaga sunglasses on the covers of her albums and also in all her music videos. All her sunglasses have a standard look on the basis of the size. Every shade is unique. She might wear black stealth sunglasses one day and a pair with a pink border the next day. She is consistently changing things a little bit which should be incorporated by us in our lives. Be confident of the decisions you take in order to portray the look you want to.
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